
MPCE-021 : Counselling Psychology IGNOU Solved Assignments 2024-25

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MPCE-021 : Counselling Psychology

Course Code: MPCE-021

Assignment Code: MPCE-021/ASST/TMA/2024-25


MPCE-021 : Counselling Psychology

Course Code: MPCE-021

Assignment Code: MPCE-021/ASST/TMA/2024-25

NOTE: All questions are compulsory.

Section – A

Answer the following questions

1.Describe the causes and treatment for depression.

2.Describe the basic assumptions, process of counseling and techniques used in person centered therapy.

3.Explain transactional analysis in detail.

Section – B

Answer the following questions

4.Explain reality therapy highlighting its goals and technique.

5.Describe the view of human nature, role of counselor and counseling techniques used in Adlerian approach to counseling.

6.Describe the techniques in drama therapy.

7.Explain behavior therapy and describe the operant conditioning treatments.

8.Describe addictive behavior. Explain the causes and treatment for addiction and anxiety.

Section – C

Answer the following questions

9.Beneficence and Non maleficence

10.Ego defense mechanisms

11.Stages of counselling

12.ABC model of CBT

13.Aversion therapy

14.Planning the group in counseling process

15.Meaning of a ‘vulnerable child’

16.Signs and symptoms of HIV/AIDS

17.Bulimia nervosa

18.Paranoid personality disorder


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