
MPCE-013 : Psychotherapeutic Methods IGNOU Solved Assignments 2024-25

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MPCE-013 : Psychotherapeutic Methods

Course Code: MPCE-013

Assignment Code: MPCE 013/ASST/TMA/2024-25


MPCE-013 : Psychotherapeutic Methods

Course Code: MPCE-013

Assignment Code: MPCE 013/ASST/TMA/2024-25

NOTE: All questions are compulsory.

Section – A

Answer the following questions

1.Explain solution focused therapy in detail including the interventions used in it.

2.Describe the steps in cognitive behavior therapy. Explain the cognitive and behavioural techniques used in it.

3.Explain Roger’s client centered therapy.

Section – B

Answer the following questions

4.Explain the structural and topographical models of personality by Freud.

5.Describe the techniques of interpersonal psychotherapy.

6.Explain parent child interaction therapy (PCIT).

7.Describe the different ways to integrate various counseling theories or psychotherapies.

8.Explain group psychotherapy in terms of its settings and theoretical principles.

Section – C

Answer the following questions

9.Ego defense mechanisms

10.Narrative therapy

11.Psychosexual stages of development

12.Cognitive analytic therapy

13.Inferential distortions

14.Difference between positive punishment and negative punishment

15.Token economies

16.Five stages of dying by Kubler-Ross


18.Psychotherapy in dementia


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