MPCE-046 : Applied Positive Psychology
Course Code: MPCE-046
Assignment Code: MPCE-046/ASST/TMA/2024-25
NOTE: All questions are compulsory.
Section – A
Answer the following questions
1.Describe the six steps in the process of research.
2.Explain the meaning of self-forgiveness and describe it’s determinants. Differentiate it from interpersonal forgiveness.
3.Explain different strategies to manage emotions effectively. How do positive emotions influence our well-being?
Section – B
Answer the following questions
4.Explain the concept of self and describe different aspects of self.
5.Describe the ten criteria based on which the list of virtues and character strengths were arrived at.
6.Describe aspects of self-regulation and explain self-regulated learning.
7.Describe the benefits of mindfulness.
8.Explain positive parenting. Describe the ways to practice positive parenting.
Section – C
Answer the following questions in 50 words each.
9.Happiness pie chart
10.Components of self-efficacy
11.Four waves of resilience research
12.Learned optimism
13.Neurobiology of hope
14.Flow and engagement
15.Sternberg’s triangular theory of love
16.Activity theory of aging
17.Diathesis-stress model
18.Post-traumatic growth
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