
MPC-003 : Personality: Theories And Assessment IGNOU Solved Assignments 2024-25

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MPC 003 : Personality: Theories And Assessment

Course Code: MPC- 003

Assignment Code: MPC 003/ASST/TMA/2024-25


MPC 003 : Personality: Theories And Assessment

Course Code: MPC- 003

Assignment Code: MPC 003/ASST/TMA/2024-25

NOTE: All questions are compulsory.

Section – A

Answer the following questions

1.Elucidate the key concepts of Gordon Allport’s dispositional theory of personality.

2.Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of self-report inventories. Suggest measures to overcome weaknesses in self-report inventories.

3.Define behavioural assessment. Discuss the common characteristics and assumptions of behavioural assessment methods.

Section – B

Answer the following questions

4.Explain the Big-Five Model of personality. Discuss the advantages of the Big-Five structure.

5.Describe situational tests and their limitations.

6.Elucidate Albert Bandura’s social cognitive theory of personality.

7.Explain ink blot test. Discuss in detail Rorschach psychodiagnostics test.

8.Discuss the categories of traits as given by Raymond B. Cattell.


Section – C

Answer the following questions

9.Ayurvedic body types

10.The Sixteen Personality Factors Questionnaire

11.Senior Apperception Test

12.Growth needs


14.Social deprivation as an environmental determinant for personality development

15.Extraversion/ Introversion

16.Limitations of Interview Method

17.Self as given by Rogers

18.Nomothetic approach to personality


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